Friday, November 7, 2025
Doors open at 6:00 pm and runs until 10:30 pm
$10 per person Door Entry
Bakers of Milford
2025 S. Milford Road
Milford, MI 48381
Phone: 248-685-3300
- Open to the Public:
- Appetizers: Enjoy 'em! They're delicious and complimentary
- Spirits: Cash Bar available
- Shopping: Variety of vendors/ Bring a friend, or two!
- Pampering: Make an appointment to pamper yourself by one of our fabulous vendors
- Silent Auction: Bid on wonderful silent auction items (Ends promptly at 9:30 pm)
- Gaming: Gamble with ACE's Casino for raffle items - Receive $5 in complimentary chips. Purchase more for additional gaming fun
- 50/50 Drawing: You do not have to be present for 50/50 cash prizes. You MUST BE PRESENT to win 50/50 consolation prizes
- All proceeds go to the FPOH Cancer Care Fund
Remember: Donate at least two boxes of Macaroni and Cheese and receive a ticket for the Special Guest Drawing. All food items will be donated to Community Sharing, a champion of those less fortunate.
$10/person - collected at the door